Hopi Nation Natwanhooyam Volunteer Weekend


Our hearts are full from a weekend spent working together with Hopi elders, children and volunteers at Hopi Nation. We are so grateful to each of you who contributed with funds, time, expertise, and in so many other beautiful ways. Each person who participates makes this possible and it wouldn't be the same without you. Thank you!

Our hearts are full from a weekend spent working together with Hopi elders, children and volunteers at Hopi Nation. We are so grateful to each of you who contributed with funds, time, expertise, and in so many other beautiful ways. Each person who participates makes this possible and it wouldn't be the same without you. Thank you!


This weekend was truly the sprouting of a seed we have tended for several years now, and which the Hopi elders and children planted many years ago. This seed is the dream of a safe place for Hopi culture to be honored, taught, stewarded, and practiced as embodied by the elders and carried forth by the children. As the seed storage dome, greenhouse, chicken coop, shade structures, solar, irrigation and more rose up this past weekend, this vision became a reality.

In partnership with the land and ancestors, Natwanhooyam is now a functioning space for this vision to come alive. The elders are deeply moved by the generosity of donors and participants generosity and have commented on how hard every person worked. We hear the kids are now begging to go down to the fields; their passion for farming is ignited, and they spend their nights drumming and singing on the land.


On the Monday, a few of us remained to finish the dome, and more visions were spun by the elders as we sat together. They would like to build a plaza for the children to do ceremonial dancing, and to build a large classroom by the second water tank in which to hold traditional art classes such as painting, weaving, natural medicine, Hopi language, beading, and more. They say now the village can see what is happening, many more will be interested in being a part of this community space. All are welcome.

We are planning to fundraise through winter and RETURN IN APRIL for another large volunteer weekend to help these concepts become reality - and you are all welcome to join us again.

In order to stay updated on what's happening with our Hopi partners, future volunteer opportunities, ways to help, and receive photos and videos from this event, please like One Light Global and sign up for our newsletter (please check your spam folder and whitelist it!) These are the best ways to be the first to know and not miss an event. Many people told us they didn't hear in time though we'd been posting for months!


To donate to our next project at Hopi Nation, visit onelightglobal.org/donate. Please feel free to share this link if it feels right. We are also looking for a van so they can transport the kids to the field if you have any leads. We are a small volunteer organization and every new follower helps us to support these wonderful people, all donations go 100% to the projects.

ASKWALI and KWAKWAY! (That's how you say thank you in feminine and masculine in Hopi) So much gratitude and love for you all.

Keep shining your light. It makes all the difference in the world.

Team One Light Global
#OneWorld #OneFamily #OneLight

*** All volunteers were tested with PCR tests prior to the event and/or Rapid Tests upon arrival, the entire event was held outside in small groups - and masks, sanitation, and gloves were provided for those who desired. Everyone took the utmost precaution for the safety of all and we are very grateful to everyone who participated for being so careful and thoughtful in this matter. These are challenging times, but together we can rise to meet them and come out stronger, more unified, and more full of compassion for all. ***

Jen Kirwan