Supporting Refugee Education in Uganda

This summer, we raised $7,087 to:

  • Repair Future Hope Elementary School for Gambellan children in Nakivale Refugee Settlement

  • Sponsor Gambellan students from Nakivale refugee settlement in Uganda to attend high school, university and technical classes in Mberara and Kampala.

The community is coming together to make much-needed repairs on Future Hope Elementary school in the Gambella Nakivale refugee resettlement in Uganda. The Gambellans are the most oppressed group in the settlement, without your support these youth would have no hope for education. Nakivale has existed for decades, without access to education, training and jobs, many refugees have no hope of a life beyond the refugee camp.

With our sponsorship Kawani, Olaw, Omot, and Ogha are all studying to be able to give back to their community. Thank you to the donors who contributed to their school fees, supplies, transportation, housing and more. You have changed lives!

Sending you love and light,

Your OLG Family
