Happy Thanksgiving & VIDEO LINK: A Conversation with Hopi and Haudenosaunee Elders

For those who missed it, below is the conversation we hosted with Hopi & Haudenosaunee elders and an eco-theologian about this day.

We are so grateful for all those who keep the light of truth, compassion and unity alive through millenia. So grateful for each of these individuals and their courage to share, and for each one of YOU for supporting us along this journey. You have made such a difference in so many lives.

On Thanksgiving there are several ways we can honor our indigenous neighbors and the truth of history at our tables. 

  • Discover the original inhabitants of the land you live on http://native-land.ca/

  • Make indigenous dishes

  • Light a candle for all those who were victims of genocide or those who are still here, or for the separatists and the suffering of being separated from our natural human compassion, or to represent the wisdom of 7 generations

  • Have a discussion with your family about how to hold true history and also enjoy the beautiful aspects of family, gratitude, and the harvest.

Most importantly, it became clear through our conversation below that the way to honor indigenous people, and all people, on this day is to be in gratitude, generosity, honesty, kindness and connection with the earth and all beings today and everyday.

Much to everyone. One World. One Family. One Light.

